Cialis Super Active: Mechanism of Action, Properties, Benefits

from $4.10 to $2.69
With erectile dysfunction caused by a variety of factors, psychotherapy is effective in relieving the patient of the obsessive anticipation of sexual failure. In pharmacotherapy, as a primary or secondary therapy, phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as Cialis Super Active are used as fast-acting agents. It is also recommended that young patients give up bad habits, adopt an active lifestyle and a balanced diet. In case of pathological changes, the surgical procedure is used by vascular surgery methods and in the absence of other methods, arthroplasty (implant placement).
The Active Ingredient Tadalafil
Cialis Super Active Plus is a popular medical product for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and one of the trade names under which you can buy tadalafil-based medicines at low prices in pharmacies. Generally, they are available by prescription, but in online pharmacies, you can buy ways to enhance sexual potency containing tadalafil and at a low price, quickly and comfortably. The action principle of tadalafil-based medicines is simple and reliable. This effect does not depend on the mood swings of men and can persist up to 36 hours from the time of administration, although there may be variations depending on the constitution of the man and the individual sensitivity. It is a natural and healthy process that does not carry risks for the health of the man or his partner.
Tadalafil is an effective selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5. In simple terms, when sexual arousal causes local release of nitric oxide, the chemical action of tadalafil results in relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and an increase in from the blood flow to the cavernous body of the penis. The result is an impressive erection. In the absence of sexual stimulation, Cialis does not work. Cialis Super Active Plus begins to act within 15 minutes after admission and his effect lasts 36 hours.
What Are The Reasons Of The “Men’s Problems”?
All kinds of factors, such as stress, fear, worry and fear of failure, reduce the power of erection. In most cases, it is problems in the relationship with the woman or the girlfriend that are at the origin of psychic ED.
Many diseases can lead to ED in men, for example:
- diabetes;
- vascular diseases: arteriosclerosis, arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia;
- alcoholism;
- affections or nerve injuries (for example, compression of a nerve in case of lumbago).
Certain medications (for example, hypertension or depression) and certain operations (especially in the small pelvis) cause impotence.
Most of the time, it is a disease of the vessels. Our society is characterized by a high percentage of cardiovascular diseases. However, the blood vessels of the penis also suffer from the involution of the vessels that travel the rest of the body. Worse still: the penis vessels are so thin and fragile that they will be affected even faster than the others!
In this respect, smoking also bears a great responsibility. There is evidence that the small arteries of smokers are much more damaged than those of others, and this applies of course also to the blood vessels of the penis. In addition to small arteries, veins can also be responsible for impotence. If these veins are not sufficiently closed, the pressure in the cavernous bodies will never be large enough to give an erection; this is called “venous leakage”.
Often, the cause is both organic and psychic. A cause can cause or influence another cause: the man who has organic problems can, after a certain time, develop an anxiety of the failure, so that his erections still lose in quality because of his psychic state.
The good news is that drugs like Cialis Super Active Plus are effective in ED caused by both psychological and organic causes.
Cialis (Tadalafil) vs. Cialis Super Active Plus
Cialis (Tadalafil)
Cialis is a trade name for the active substance tadalafil. This substance has been synthesized in the pharmaceutical laboratories of the American company Eli Lilly. After years of testing, this substance was approved by the FDA in 2003 went out on the pharmaceutical market. Tadalafil is not the first tool for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and its action is the same as Viagra. But the main advantage of Cialis is its shelf life. Only 1 tablet works within 36 hours.
Cialis can be used daily for a long time. Some men take Cialis every day for 5-10 years and lead a healthy sex life. This drug does not cause dependence, and over time Cialis action does not become weaker. Already after the first use of Cialis, you will feel like Tadalafil fill your penis with blood, and you will be able to regain your virility and sexual potency.
Cialis Super Active Plus, too, contains tadalafil citrate, but thanks to its pharmacological form (that of capsules with tadalafil gel inside), the drug acts much faster than traditional Cialis tablets. The onset of Cialis Super Active Plus effects is to be expected already 20 minutes after the drug administration.
Erectile dysfunction is a pathological condition of male sexual function, in which the erection disappears. Even in response to sexual stimulation, the man cannot get a strong erection to perform sexual intercourse. To restore sexual function, it is necessary to find the cause of the disease and restore the normal blood flow in the penis. Cialis Super Active Plus can restore the circulation in the penis for all forms of erectile dysfunction, whatever the reason for this sexual pathology.
Mechanism of Action
The most popular form of generic Cialis is that of 20 mg tablets containing tadalafil as gel, which is Cialis Super Active Plus. Their main active ingredient is tadalafil, an effective selective inhibitor of cyclic phosphodiesterase type 5, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the arteries and increases blood flow to the corpa cavernosa of the penis, producing a lasting erection. In the absence of sexual stimulation, it does not work.
Pharmacokinetic Properties
Cialis Super Active Plus is produced in capsules that are designed to be taken orally. After tadalafil is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream, it enters the arterial vessels of the pelvic organs and selectively blocks phosphodiesterase type 5. This enzyme prevents the dilation of blood vessels during sexual arousal and it increases Blocking blood flow during sexual arousal This process occurs within 30 minutes after which a man can achieve erection and intercourse.
How To Take
Take orally. The substance is rapidly absorbed, and the rate and extent of absorption do not depend on satiety and meal time. Cialis Super Active Plus is to be taken 20 to 30 minutes before planned sexual activity. Pay attention to any side effects that may occur if you violate the recommendations for use.
Use In Men With Hepatic Impairment
In men with compromised liver function tadalafil clearance is slower, and therefore the dose should be decreased. It is not recommended to use tadalafil 20 mg contained in Cialis Super Active Plus in men with hepatic dysfunction, so a lower dose Cialis pills should be a therapy of choice in this subpopulation.
Use In Healthy Men
Cialis tablets are produced in a dosage of 5/10/20 mg, 40 mg. You can choose an individual dose depending on the severity of erectile dysfunction, sensitivity to Tadalafil and overall health.
You should break, chew or mix with food Cialis Super Active Plus capsules. You should take them whole and wash down with water.
An example of Cialis Super Active Plus dosage mode in the treatment of erectile dysfunction:
The daily dose of Cialis Super Active Plus is 20 mg. In case of insufficient effects and no adverse effects, the dose of Cialis may increase up to 40 mg per day.
People over the age of 60, it is recommended to take 10 mg of Cialis Super Active Plus a day. The metabolism of tadalafil of older men has reduced, so that it is retained longer in the blood.
Use In Men With Renal Impairment
Cialis Super Active Plus 5 mg should be taken by those men who have renal impairment hypertension, tachycardia, kidney or liver disease. The minimal dose Cialis effectively improves the power, but does not cause stress on the body.
Blood Plasma Concentration After Cialis Super Active Plus Intake
Cialis Super Active Plus can be taken safely by men aged 18 to 70 years. The standard daily dose needed to maintain the quality of erection is 20 mg. You should not take more than 20 mg daily, as this increases the risk of side effects.
Each Cialis Super Active Plus 20 mg capsule needs be washed down with water. For people over 60, just take 1 capsule once in two days. Usually, in old age, the metabolism is slowed down, because of this medicine is going to be more of the body. Taking the drug in this mode, the effectiveness of Cialis Super Active will not decrease, and the risk of side effects will be slower.
Cialis Super Active is not contraindicated during alcohol consumption. The interval between taking capsules and alcoholic beverages should be about 1 to 2 hours. After the capsule is completely dissolved in the intestine, you can start consuming alcohol.
If a man has a severe penile deformity, the Cialis Super Active Pain application and a strong erection can cause pain in the penis. At these symptoms, it is necessary to consult a urologist.
Increased concentration of tadalafil in plasma caused by Cialis Super Active, may lead to toxicity manifested in such side effects as redness of the face, headache and nasal congestion. These symptoms are usually a bit of time and go away on their own after 1-2 of the regular week of taking the medication.
Side Effects
Side effects may occur, especially if you have never taken the generic before. Headache and dyspepsia occur most often (11% and 7% of cases, respectively). Also possible are back pain, myalgia, nasal congestion and facial flushing, muscle pain in the legs, occasional swelling of the eyelids, eye pain, conjunctival hyperemia (redness of the eyes) and dizziness.
Tadalafil Generic Cheap 10 or 20 mg cannot be taken in combination with other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies dangerous to sexual life, in case of diseases of the organs of the vision, renal failure, lactose deficiency or lactose intolerance.
The contraindications to admission are also:
- Hypersensitivity to a substance that is part of the medication;
- Administration of drugs containing organic nitrates;
- Minor age.
Nevertheless, even in the absence of pronounced contraindications for taking Cialis, side effects may occur, especially if you have never taken it before. As such, they are not dangerous, but if your health has deteriorated significantly and symptoms persist long after intercourse, you should see a doctor.
What Are The Contraindications?
The drug is contraindicated in cardiovascular diseases, leukemia, anemia, severe renal and hepatic insufficiency, in the presence of anatomical deformities of the penis (Peyronie’s disease). We recommend that you consult your doctor, who will be able to choose an erectile dysfunction medication that is right for you. Be careful if you are going to combine drugs containing tadalafil with alcoholic beverages. Do not take a generic drug if you are hypersensitive to tadalafil or any other substance of its composition or lactose intolerance, or when taking medicines containing organic nitrates and antihypertensives. The drug is not intended for use by persons under 18 years of age.
Terms Of Safety
The American pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly is not the only manufacturer of Tadalafil. Cialis patent rights belong to Eli Lilly, but the chemical formula of tadalafil is available for free.
Indian pharmaceutical giants Ajanta Pharma and Cipla have bought the rights to manufacture Tadalafil and are now manufacturing generic Cialis medicines, and Cialis Super Active Plus is one of them.
A generic is a pharmacological analogue, which does not differ from the original brand of drugs. Generic Cialis contains the same amount of tadalafil as the tablet of the brand Cialis.
The difference between the generic and the brand only in the price. The original developer spent millions of dollars on Cialis research, development, marketing research and advertising. All fees are reimbursed by the customer. Generic manufacturers do not spend millions of dollars on generic Cialis advertising, so the high cost of no. Cialis buyers do not need to pay the fees of the company, so analog is 3-4 times cheaper. A constant that you get cheap Cialis Super Active Plus which is not inferior to the original. On the contrary, Cialis Super Active Plus offers the benefit of shortened uptake period.
Cialis Super Active Plus should not be taken:
Cialis Super Active Plus has contraindications that you should report to your doctor before starting treatment. Tadalafil is only used to treat men’s erectile problems. It is forbidden for women and children under 18 years old.
Additional medical consultations are needed in cases of patients with cardiovascular disease, who are not recommended to have sexual activity. This list also includes men who have recently survived apoplexy or myocardial infarction, as well as those with second-degree heart failure, uncontrolled arrhythmia, unstable angina or hypo- or hypertension. .
Men with leukemia, myeloma, sickle cell anemia, angular penile curvature, cavernous fibrosis and Peyronie’s disease should avoid taking Cialis Super Active Plus.
Drug Interactions
These precautions also apply to patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency and those continuing with alpha blockers.
Caution should be exercised when mixing tadalafil with ketoconazole, erythromycin, inhibitors of CYP3A4, saquinavir, ritonavir and itraconazole as such combinations may increase the concentration of tadalafil in the blood and cause an overdose.
Cialis Super Active Plus can also enhance the effect of drugs to treat hypertension. Use of Cialis Super Active Plus is contraindicated during taking organic nitrates.
If you are taking any medicine, whether mentioned above or not, tell your doctor before you start taking Cialis Super Active Plus.
Storage Conditions
Keep your Cialis Super Active Plus pills away from sources of heat and moisture in a cool dry place in temperature that does not exceed 28° C. Dispose of the drug after expiry date, but do not flush it down the drain. Ask your pharmacist as to how dispose of your medications in an environmentally friendly way.
Is Cialis Super Active+ Harmful?
The management of risk factors and co-morbidities (cardiovascular diseases or risk factors, diabetes, depression, etc.) must accompany the treatment of erectile insufficiency with Cialis Super Active Plus. A deficient lifestyle must be corrected: obesity, smoking, alcoholism or drug use. In men in their fifties, an increase in physical activity decreased the incidence of ED. Management over a period of two years of men in their fifties at risk of providing information on how to lose weight, improve diet and increase physical activity has been shown to improve erectile function. Physical activity in diabetics reduces the risk of ED by nearly 40%.
Some drugs are deleterious for erectile function: mainly serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, neuroleptics, diuretic antihypertensives (see Iatrogenic medicinal products in sexual medicine). The modification of the dosages, the change of the treatments can be effective on ED. These changes in treatment are conceived only in close consultation with the prescribing physician.
When diagnosing ED, an assessment of the patient’s cardiovascular status is essential, both in the context of the etiological investigation and in the context of a medication prescription. The question to be answered is: can the patient provide the physical effort corresponding to that developed during a vaginal intercourse? Until orgasm this effort corresponds to about two to three times the expenses of the body. At the time of orgasm the effort is three to four times the expenses of the body. In comparison, a walk at 3 to 5km / h in flat terrain multiplies the expenses of the organization by two to three. During intercourse, the cardiac parameters change. The maximum heart rate is 130 beats / min and maximum systolic blood pressure reaches 170mmHg. Overall, the intensity of physical exertion during intercourse is the rise from two to three floors.
If the patient cannot perform the corresponding physical effort, a cardiovascular assessment is required with additional explorations and institution of a treatment to stabilize the cardiovascular state. In the meantime, the prescription of any ED treatment is contraindicated.
It is also recommended to inform the patients about the risks, the benefits as well as the cost of the various treatments, most of which are indeed not taken care of. The active participation of the patient in the therapeutic decision is very desirable. The partner can be associated with this decision. Finally, it must be emphasized that the doctor also has an educational role in matters of sexuality.
Cialis Super Active+ And Alcohol
In general, food and drinks do not have a great influence on the duration of the Cialis effect. Nevertheless, excessive alcohol consumption can increase the likelihood of having a headache or dizziness, increasing your heart rate or lowering your blood pressure. One or two units of alcohol usually do not cause any problems, but it is best avoided to ensure the good results of taking Cialis Super Active Plus.
Alcohol is depressant. The consumption of depressants does not always get along with the erection, so some will give a helping hand. Initially, this kind of drug that causes hypervascularization was invented to improve heart function. It was found that it also produced good lasting erections. So they marketed this product to treat erectile problems. These drugs therefore improve blood circulation, but if taken without medical advice, they can also cause heart problems. For example, if the person has problems with blood pressure and consumes drugs that cause hypervascularisation, it can lead to significant pressure drops, and alcohol contributes to a drop in blood pressure. Other less serious side effects may be felt, such as dizziness, nausea, and headache.
Key Benefits
Cialis Super Active Plus has the following advantages as compared to classical Cialis pills:
- Quicker uptake
- Increased efficacy
- Improved formula
- Lower cost