Security online matters. Let us explain to you how we deal with the malice of having customer data stolen, intercepted or otherwise violated. My Canadian Pharmacy Rx is a brand whose priority is the safety and wellbeing of customers, and we make a point of caring for it at each and every level, be it by provision of high quality and low cost medications for your health, valuable information that helps you prevent diseases and improve life quality in case of sickness, or keeping the information you share with us protected from cyber malefactors.

My Canadian Pharmacy Rx website structure

First of all, you should know that there are two areas at My Canadian Pharmacy website: informational and shopping. The area containing educational and informational materials is not protected, while the restricted customer are and the actual shop pages use advanced protection protocols that bring the chances of your information being intercepted to zero.

My Canadian Pharmacy Rx website structure

Network security has three main aspects: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Confidentiality consists in ensuring that information is accessible only to the entities authorized to consult it. Integrity is the property, for information, to remain identical to itself if it is not explicitly modified. In the case of a communication, the message received is the one that has been transmitted. Authentication ensures that an entity is the one it claims to be.

My Canadian Pharmacy Rx: safety protocols for the restricted area

safety protocols for the restricted areaSuch measures are unnecessary on pages where no sensitive information is exchanged. We exercise a totally different approach with our product pages and pages that contain sensitive data of our customers. The connection of the client to the commercial server when issuing the purchase order must be secured. Indeed, the customer must receive the guarantee that the commercial server is the one he claims to be (authentication) and that the information transmitted (credit card number) remain confidential. Note that, whatever the security measures taken, the client is not safe from malice from the server. The protocols we use at My Canadian Pharmacy (SET) solve this problem.

no personal data is collected

browsing the educational area

If you are currently browsing the educational area of our website where no personal data is collected from your computer.
1. You can feel free moving around this area. None of the actions you may take here, be it leafing through the pages or using our search tool, will lead to disclosure, storage or use of your sensitive information.
2. Check the example in the image below should you have any questions.

You are safe browsing this page!

256-bit security encryption

making a purchase at our website

If you are about to make a purchase at our website. Here is how to proceed for an ultimately secured processing:
1. Send the items to your shopping cart;
2. Enter your personal data, including your full name, shipping address and credit card information. Our certificate ensures that every piece of information you share with us is secured with safety encryption that excludes any risk of data phishing.
Product Page – encrypted
Shopping cart – encrypted
Order and checkout page – encrypted
We use the cutting-edge 256-bit security encryption that meets the highest standards for data protection existing today.

Your information is safe with us!

Virtually all parties involved in the application must be authenticated, and must therefore have an SSL entry point. Authentication operations are performed at the application level. An account object of a bank branch is responsible for authenticating the clients of the methods of preparation and validation of debit / credit transactions. Similarly, the transaction server authenticates the coordinator of the transaction as a commercial server. It will also check that the resources are bank accounts. Finally, the commercial server authenticates the transaction server.

The security protocol chosen to implement this security is SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This protocol was developed by Netscape Communication Corporation to enable the secure transfer of data over the Internet. SSL operates at the interface of TCP sockets. As a result, all application layer protocols such as HTTP, FTP, Telnet, IIOP, etc., can be protected by a secure transmission channel. By using HTTP, an SSL connection can be recognized by the https URL. In other words, https is the HTTP protocol implemented on a secure transport layer. SSL is implemented in most browsers (Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer), and also in servers (Netscape Server, Apache, NCSA).

My Canadian Pharmacy Team: