Yagara (Herbal Viagra): A Symptomatic Remedy For Erectile Dysfunction

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Table of Contents
- What Does ‘Herbal Supplement’ Mean?
- All-Natural Ingredients of Yagara Pills
- How Does Yagara Work?
- Yagara Remedy and Its Advantages
- Are There Any Side Effects?
- What’s the Recommended Yagara Dosage?
- How Should You Take Yagara?
- Is Yagara a Temporary Remedy or a Cure?
- Can Women Use Yagara for Sexual Disorders?
- Why You Should Choose Yagara
Though various male enhancement pills, solutions and supplements appear day by day, far not all of them can be as reliable and effective as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. However, recently there has appeared one product that claims to be a herbal version of Viagra. It has much in common with the blue pill: its single pill is enough to provide excellent effects and it does work! What’s it called? – Yagara!
Today Yagara only starts entering the market of erectile dysfunction remedies. Nevertheless, it became known in close circle of insiders, but its popularity grows. The medication is offered in blister packs with capsules. Normally, there are ten capsules in a blister. Be cautious while buying: capsules should be colored brown. Packs include 20, 40 or 60 pills, which means there are 2, 4 or 6 blisters in a pack.
One of the most prominent factors concerning this remedy is the fact that it’s all natural. And as long as all ingredients are natural, there are no side effects a user can experience after its consumption, unlike in case with Viagra, for instance. Brown pills work pretty much the same as their blue counterparts do: they enlarge the blood vessels, increase the flow of blood to the penis and ensure erection – hard and long-lasting for an awesome intercourse. While the above-provided information is a general synopsis, let’s have a full view of what Yagara (Herbal Viagra) is.
What Does ‘Herbal Supplement’ Mean?
Really effective supplements are normally made from numerous ingredients. Some of them are minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids and herbs, of course. As long as they supplement the diet, they are commonly called supplements. They are normally taken along with foods and drinks and ensure that the body and its systems get proper nutrients, which is very important for cases of ED in males.
Being an effective supplement, Yagara is indicated for cases of erectile disorders in males. It treats impotence, increases libido in females and adds to the improvement of blood circulation.
All-Natural Ingredients of Yagara Pills
Don’t count on finding regular ingredients on Yagara content list. This herbal enhancement supplement includes Indian herbs with special names that are unfamiliar to a regular ED sufferer:
Kavach Beej (50mg): raising testosterone levels, it improves sexual function, increases stamina and sperm count;
Lata Karanj (50mg): the herb helps improve circulation of blood around and in the genitals. It also maximizes body sensations;
Akkal Kara (25mg): it’s a known aphrodisiac and nerve tonic that works promoting sex drive and improving ejaculation;
Vidhara Beej (50mg): it is widely used as an aphrodisiac and tonic.
These are mainly mountain-grown herbs that fix various sexual issues. They raise the levels of testosterone production, restore vitality, boost fertility, libido and stamina, strengthen the connections between the brain and body, promote body control, recue stress, add to prostate health and better digestion.
Along with these four new herbs there are also the ones that most users are familiar with:
Shilajit: increases energy and male’s sexual stamina;
Ashwagandha: increases sexual vitality and sex drive.
Each Yagara capsule is a mix. It contains a blend of fresh and pesticide-free herbs that are selected to provide the highest levels of quality. The standards that are used during capsules production are always high and strict, so there is a little something for every individual ED case.
How Does Yagara Work?
The herbs it is made of are all male enhancers. They are regarded as powerful natural meds that treat male impotence and dysfunction at any stage. Yagara enlarges one’s blood vessels, increases the blood flow and helps in achieving erection. Forcing extra blood to get to the penile chambers, it increases stamina, power and pressure. The erections it creates are always hard. Besides, the overall sexual performance is improved as well.
Active ingredients increase the vessels’ size and allow more blood into the penile area. They allow harder erections that last much longer and offer a much better sexual experience. The difference will be experienced by a user and his partner as well.
Yagara Remedy and Its Advantages
The first and foremost benefit is the fact that all ingredients are 100% natural. In addition to this great advantage there are several more.
Today the medication has five more positive effects for male’s sexual enhancement:
- improved sexual drive: the pills succeed in boosting the sexual drive in all users;
- fertility booster: natural Indian herbs boost up male’s stamina and fertility;
- desire booster: the chances to improve men’s sexual desire are high too;
- sperm count increase: some herbs are effective in increasing sperm count;
- male’s vitality restoration: the product brings back men’s vitality.
Are there any disadvantages? – Hardly. However, some users consider the fact that ingredients are unfamiliar to them as the main drawback. Besides, as the remedy is respectively new, most provided information is based on customer feedback rather than professional researches. Yet still, the latter can hardly be treated as a con.
Are There Any Side Effects?
It has been reported that those users who take Yagara regularly experience no side effects, neither mild nor severe ones, in contrast to synthetic Viagra. Nevertheless, caution should be taken, since herbal components have side events and contraindications of their own.
Speaking of long-term adverse reactions, today two of them have been already detected: mild jitters and headaches. They occur because the remedy is very powerful. Yet still, different men can suffer from different body reactions.
Yagara capsules are free from flavors, preservatives, allergens and sodium. Causing no harm, they add more benefits to your general health.
The main difference between Yagara and Viagra is the fact that the former one contains NO:
- stroke risks;
- stress risks;
- toxins;
- vision change risks;
- chemicals.
Before taking pills, a man should check whether he is or is not allergic to all Yagara ingredients and have a professional consultation whether he can or cannot combine these ED pills with other medications that he is taking.
What’s the Recommended Yagara Dosage?
Establishing a correct dose is a complicated matter, since a lot of individual factors should be considered when it goes about herbal supplements. The thing is that the remedy is all-natural and belongs to the kind of non-prescription ones. Defining the potency of herbs in each case with precision is not possible, as it differs from one person to another. It becomes a true challenge to decide how much to take for the first time or start comparing it to milligrams of other ED medications. What do we suggest? As long as Yagara (Herbal Viagra) has no side effects, we suggest to start with a single pill and establish your bodily response before you increase the dose.
Every time you purchase meds online, there will be a suggested dose. It is a good place to start, unless your prescriber directs you otherwise. Some individuals require half of the dose listed, others need to double it up.
Some sufferers take half of a capsule for two reasons:
- they are afraid of some possible unwanted reactions from the remedy;
- they need to check whether results are possible after taking lower doses of pills, thus they can save money with time.
If you are about to take Yagara regularly, it is better to stick to the initial dose during two weeks. In 14 days the dose can be increased. Don’t expect effects to occur within 20 minutes after consumption. Wait for the remedy to start working on its own. Though it’s an all-natural remedy, it’s better to avoid taking another dose regardless of whether the first one is effective or not.
When you decide to take Yagara as your ED treatment, take it at the same time every day. The recommended time is in the evening. Those who have been trying to combat the symptoms of ED for a prolonged period should take it in the morning too.
Some users ask when the remedy starts working. The correctly chosen dose should taken for a course of 30 to 40 days.
How Should You Take Yagara?
The recommended dose is one or two capsules that are consumed before going to bed. It is better to take a pill not with a full glass of water as in case with Viagra, yet with a glass of milk. The pills are taken regularly to experience the first results in 30-40 days. If you want to achieve really impressive results and hard erections, take capsules for a longer period. When no difference is experienced within 60 days of use, change the dosage routine.
It is forbidden to consume Yagara for erectile dysfunction treatment if:
- you are allergic to some or all of its ingredients;
- you take medications that interact with Yagara. Your pharmacist or doctor must be informed of the medical conditions you have to decide whether Yagara is safe for you;
- you have allergies to any other medications;
- you have allergies to foods;
- you suffer from kidney disease;
- you suffer from liver disease;
- you suffer from heart disease;
- you take non-prescription or prescription drugs, other herbal pills and dietary supplements.
Pills are supposed to be consumed by male patients only. They aren’t intended for female sexual issues.
Is Yagara a Temporary Remedy or a Cure?
Recently there have appeared reports that Yagara is capable of curing the issue of impotence for good. Most specialists claim that it’s all user’s fables rather than solid facts: while under the impression of great effectiveness and regained strength, men believe that the achieved results are all permanent. It may be true only in case ED is a psychological rather than physiological issue.
While being safe, effective, delicate and affordable, Yagara offers a quick fix, yet it is never permanent. If capsules are consumed on a regular basis they do provide effects. But once the therapy is quitted, effects vanish, too.
The jury is still out, however. Until Yagara is properly studied by researchers and tested and tried by ED sufferers, no one is able to give a reliable answer to this question.
Can Women Use Yagara for Sexual Disorders?
We’ve mentioned the fact that these capsules are effective for dysfunction treatment in males only. It’s true that they produce no effects on women who suffer from sexual dysfunction, yet still they address some other female problems: low-level anxiety and depression.
A woman can start with a lower dose and gradually increase it in time. When mood issues occur on a regular basis, herbal Viagra becomes an effective medication. The supplement can be taken either in the morning, or split into several intakes over the day. When taken late at night, it provides no effects in women. Does it work for all women? – For majority of them – yes, but not for all.
Why You Should Choose Yagara
There are several reasons why:
- it is an all-natural remedy for impotence treatment in men. It treats other sexual issues and adds several more benefits;
- it is safe as all the components come from plants that are grown without any pesticides;
- it fuels with sexual energy, taking years off your shoulders;
- it is affordable for any user;
- it can be ordered online;
- no prescription is needed to start benefiting from it.
The medication must be stored at 25°C. It is allowed to store it between 15°C and 30°C, if it’s a brief storage. Keep the supplement away from moisture, light and heat.
ED patients from around the globe have probably tried out various medications and therapies for impotence treatment. However, many of them start turning to Yagara instead of buying other well-known drugs. Why? It promises awesome results and no side effects. When you believe that it’s time to end up the embarrassing problem you have, choose Yagara (herbal Viagra) to regain strength, youth, confidence and sexual life, regardless of the underlying causes that led to the issue.
Maximize Herbal Viagra benefits
Improperly called impotence, erectile dysfunction is a male sexual problem characterized by the inability to reach or maintain an erection suitable for satisfying satisfactory sexual performance. The causes of erectile dysfunction are heterogeneous and numerous, resulting from stress, endocrine and vascular disorders: alcoholism, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, atherosclerosis, drugs, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, metabolic syndrome, stress and smoking.
The published material is intended to allow quick access to general advice, suggestions and remedies that doctors and textbooks are used to dispense for the treatment of ED; these instructions should in no way replace the opinion of the treating physician or other healthcare specialists in the patient care sector.
Follow relaxation and meditation courses (e.g yoga): erectile dysfunction is often aggravated by anxiety and stress, so relaxation can promote erection
- If necessary to lose weight: obesity can predispose a patient to erectile dysfunction
- Use condoms or other safe contraceptive methods: such behavior reduces anxiety and fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases
- Talk openly with the partner of the problem: in pairs, communication is crucial to dealing with any type of disorder, including erectile dysfunction
- If necessary, subscribe to couple therapy counseling
- Train sexual pleasure: Kegel exercises can help erection and control ejaculation
- Practice sports consistently: exercise seems to play a key role in controlling erection, as it increases blood flow, decreases stress, and helps maintain the ideal weight
- Consider acupuncture: some patients find remedy for erectile dysfunction by subjecting to acupuncture
When erectile dysfunction creates serious difficulties in couple relationship, it is recommended that you undergo more in-depth medical examinations to understand what causes you to base yourself:
- general hematochemistry evaluation with testosterone and prolactin dosage
- intracavernosa injection of vasoactive drugs (penile ecocolordoppler)
- cavernosometry
- dynamic cavernography
- Selective dynamic arteriography of penile arteries
Tobacco, alcoholism and sedentarity harm your erectile function: these three elements increase the risk of erectile dysfunction; therefore patients who are affected by this disorder should abstain from smoking and alcohol, devoting themselves to regular exercise
Avoid consuming abundant meals when undergoing Herbal Viagra treatment: especially prior to a sexual activity, lunch, or over-supper dinner could prevent or hinder erection, especially in predisposed patients.
Never change or alter the posology of the drug without medical consultation. Although some active ingredients may actually inhibit the maintenance of erection (e.g., prostate cancer or prostate cancer), it is always advisable to discuss with your doctor before changing the dose or suspending the use of a potentially responsible drug for erectile dysfunction
The sooner you admit the disorder, the better health outcomes and the more responsive your body gets to the kind of natural treatments like that offered by Herbal Viagra: hiding the problem behind excuses can cause serious problems to the couple relationship
Fight your drug addiction: Illegal drug abuse can cause serious disturbances in the sexual sphere (e.g. erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation)
Eating habits to back up Yagara effects
Follow a healthy and balanced diet: obesity is a risk factor for erectile dysfunction. Consume light foods, especially before night time. Consume rich bioflavonoid foods (lemons, grapefruit, grapes), useful for controlling ejaculation impulses. Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are two closely related male disorders. The consumption of foods advertised as aphrodisiacs may sometimes increase sexual desire and improve their performance: asparagus, avocado, champagne, fig, almond, chili, oysters, molluscs etc.
At the same time, poor glycemic control can promote diabetes: diabetic disease and erectile dysfunction are two closely related phenomena, so it is recommended to weigh in the sweets in your diet. Avoid eating difficult digestion foods such as sauces, fries, and fatty foods (especially prior to a activity). Restrict the consumption of caffeine-rich foods (coffee, chocolate, cocoa, cola-based sodas, mate, guarana), which, with their stimulating effect, can aggravate erectile dysfunction, reducing the time needed to produce ejaculation stimulus (thus predisposing to premature ejaculation)
Natural cures and remedies mimicking Herbal Viagra
- Anice (Pimpinella anisum L.) → (supposed) aphrodisiac properties
- Ginseng (Panax ginseng) → improves the state of psycho-physical well-being, increases serotonin levels in brain structures and increases ACTH levels (especially if associated with ginkgo biloba); the present saponosides induce relaxation of the vessels at the penile level through the induction of NO synthesis, the release of NO at the level of the cavernous body and the decrease in intracellular calcium
- Eleuterococcus (Eleutherococcus senticosus) → Adaptogenic, aphrodisiac, central nervous system stimulants, antidepressant, general tonic properties
- Ande Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) → Aphrodisiac properties, adaptogenous. Note for its ability to stimulate sexual energy
- Yohimbina (Corynanthe yohimbe): alkaloid molecule with aphrodisiac activity
- Saffron (Crocus sativus) → aphrodisiac properties
- L-Arginine: The substance increases the production of nitric oxide at the neuronal and endothelial levels
- L-Citrulline: The substance is converted to arginine by increasing the production of nitric oxide at the neuronal and endothelial levels
Herbal Viagra analogs in pharmacology
Not every degree of erectile dysfunction is responsive towards the therapeutic effects offered by Herbal Viagra.
Below you will find a list of pharmacological alternatives of Yagara, most of them available through My Canadian Pharmacy Rx service.
- Vasoactive substances: Sildenafil (e.g. Viagra, Viagra Super Active Plus, Viagra Professional, Viagra Lozenges, Silagra, Kamagra), Vardenafil (e.g. Levitra, Levitra Orodispersible, Levitra Jelly, Levitra Professional), Tadalafil (e.g. Cialis, Cialis Super Active, Cialis Professional, Apcalis SX)
- Replacement therapy with testosterone (e.g. Testoviron Depot)
- Vasodilators (to be administered intracavernosa or intraurethral):
- Alprostadil o Prostaglandine PGE1 (e.g. Caverject, MUSE)
- Papaverine
If once women were to attend for many reasons, today many men approach plants and officinal herbs to intervene on male sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, known in popular language as impotence, is the inability to obtain, or maintain, an erection long enough to have a full relationship with your partner.
In adult males erectile dysfunction may be caused by physical, psychic, disease, side effects due to drugs, alcohol or drugs. Impotence increases with age, but may also be present in juveniles, in which case the cause may be due to drug abuse or contact with toxic substances or radiation. When it is not a physiological or irreversible problem, in many cases the use of plant-based erythrocyte-specific herbal products may help to regain lost vigor.
Herbal Viagra and natural aphrodisiacs
It often happens that psycho-physical discomfort, bad nutrition, anxiety, stress, and frustration take the lead, giving rise to real sexual dysfunctions that can undermine not only normal sexual activity but also the well-being and understanding of the couple. The term ‘aphrodisiac’ has very ancient origins. It dates back to more than 5,000 years ago and was used with reference to the myth of Aphrodite, a goddess of love that according to Greek culture, would have emerged from the sea waters sealed in an oyster shell. The aphrodisiac foods and plants were already known, appreciated and consumed by Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures.
Aphrodisiac plants are the herbs that can:
- provide stimulating action that can stimulate the function of the hormone system by regulating the secretion of the glands (adrenal, pituitary, gonad);
- provide adaptogenic action (ie increase physical strength and benefit the immune system and mood);
- boost libido and improve sexual performance;
- act as tonic, counteracting the states of psychophysical fatigue;
- act as vasodilators, favoring blood spraying of the genital organs.
The effects of natural Viagra increase multifold if you integrate these herbal aphrodisiacs in your therapy:
Maca of the Andes: You have a normal erection when all the blood vessels of the penis are full. This happens in response to an external sexual stimulation. Some substances in the brain cast a signal so that blood vessels in the penis fill. In this way the penis begins to increase in volume and stiffen. Most erection pills have the function of simulating this process by allowing the patient to achieve artificial erection. Maca, instead, works naturally, strengthens the body and restores the balance and functionality of the hormone system. We can therefore rightly say that Maca improves erection naturally. To be included as the main ingredient in aphrodisiac diets is known, in fact, as a peruvian Viagra, also because it favors an increase in the seminal volume, increases the amount of sperm for ejaculation, and improves sperm motility.
Damiana: The active principles contained in the plant have an action similar to that of testosterone and are capable of stimulating genital organs, particularly the center of erection, localized at the level of the parasitic pelvic sacral nerve system, favoring the inflow of blood and nerve sensitivity of the penis. By improving the blood circulation of the genital area, damiana ensures a consistent and lasting erection.
Serenoa: Pre-Columbian Indians used these berries to treat various urological dysfunctions, prostate inflammation, erectile dysfunction and testicular atrophy. Serenoa may have some side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Already at the end of the last century, the extract was mentioned in the overseas pharmacopoeia.
However, efficacy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia has only recently been confirmed by a review of controlled clinical trials of approximately 3,000 patients. The mechanism of action is little known: it may be due to the combination of antagonistic effect on sex hormones, anti-inflammatory action and an alteration in cholesterol metabolism.
Among the aphrodisiac foods you will undoubtedly remember:
Avocado, rich in fat and extremely nutritious; the ancient Atzechs called the avocado ‘the testicle tree’, also because of the shape of the fruit.
Caviar, oysters, molluscs are zinc-rich foods, an essential mineral to enhance fecundity in particular in males.
Cocoa, the healthiest and the highest quality, free from other hydrogenated fats (lecithins, margarine) is rich in antioxidants and exciting substances such as theobromine; the food of the gods was considered by the Atzechs.
Ginger is a tonic reconstitute, suitable not only against fatigue and asthenia, but also in case of impotence. The aphrodisiac attributes attributed to ginger mainly concern its ability to stimulate circulation and to ensure a greater inflow of blood to the sexual organs. The merit is substances such as gingerol and zingiberene.
Chili pepper is the most popular natural aphrodisiac. Chili is immediately associated with desire and passion. It acts as a vasodilator and improves circulation. Raises body temperature and tones the walls of the arteries. Aphrodisiac power would be guaranteed by its capsaicin content, which attributes the spicy flavor.
Almonds: Their high vitamin E content directly affects sexual desire and female fertility
Bananas: They are rich in potassium and vitamin B6, two essential components for the formation of testosterone. Therefore, they are considered the perfect male aphrodisiac, as well as a natural cure for impotence and infertility. They also contain special enzymes that help increase libido.
Saffron, to improve male sexual performance to be taken regularly, as it stimulates circulation and awakens the senses.
Vanilla: It has euphoric-excitatory effects and has no significant side effects, it can be consumed in large quantities. It combats sexual asthenia, like every aphrodisiac valid for women, but also for men. Vanilla acts on the central nervous system also through its unmistakable scent.
Herbal Viagra and essential oils
Yagara effects can also be boosted with a number of essential oils that promote erection include the use of aromatherapy: essential oils are also very effective especially when erectile dysfunction depends on psychological or nervous factors.
Pine essential oil: It is associated with virility, helps those who have difficulty in coming into contact with their own virility and expressing it. It has a stimulating action, useful in treating impotence, frigidity, and libido.
Ginger essential oil: It has a rubefacient effect (that is, it causes the blood to appear in the most superficial layers of the skin, warming the area, and lightening the inflammation of the underlying layers precisely because of blood grafting). Ginger essential oil gives warmth to the body and helps to awaken and warm the proper senses.
Sandal essential oil: It acts by balancing sexuality with the spirit, promoting the integration of the sacred with the profane: for this reason it is used in the schools of tantra yoga to transform the sexual energies into spiritual energies. It is therefore not a direct aphrodisiac, since its action is predominantly meditative and directed towards the interiority: it is aimed rather on subjects who live the subject with superficiality. It transforms sexual energy by elevating it to the spiritual plane. It reduces aggressiveness and violent instincts, relaxes exasperation, and releases blocked sexual energy.