6 Drugs My Canadian Pharmacy Urges You NOT To Buy

Ideally, a good pharmacist works himself out of the job; inspired by this adage, we at My Canadian Pharmacy Rx mycanadianpharmacyrx.com see our goal as working towards albeit slow, but steady decrease in the amount of drugs our customers require – as opposed to pumping up our sales figures. We increase awareness about prevention and early recognition of diseases plaguing the population of this country and customers overseas so that our subscribers and readers could take better care of their health.

6 Drugs My Canadian Pharmacy Rx Urges You NOT To Buy

The article below deals with 6 conditions that can be and should be prevented by slight changes in the habits and lifestyle. We suggest that you nurture your health while it’s in your power rather than ordering pills from our pharmacy out of a sick bed. We beg you to heed these pieces of advice and prevent conditions that make you buy…

Viagra (Sildenafil)

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, it is hard to think of effective prevention. Often the problem is dealt only when it presents itself, with doctors looking retrospectively to identify and resolve the causes. But some things can still be done to avoid them.

Protecting the health of the heart with a healthy diet is the first-line defence against ED. A diet that is bad for the heart also hurts sexual health. Both heart attack and erectile dysfunction appear in fact due to restricted blood flow in the coronary arteries. An adequate blood supply is needed to make the penis erect. Diets that do not include enough fruit and vegetables and lots of fatty, fried and processed foods can lessen the circulation of blood throughout the body.

A healthy heart spellls a satisfying sex life, as summarizes Dr Andrew McCullough, professor of clinical urology, head of the New York program of male sexual health at Langone University Medical Center:

  • A better diet to prevent erectile dysfunction in a natural way is the Mediterranean or simply a diet that includes fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish, nuts and moderate amounts of red wine. The Mediterranean diet, as established by several studies, improves sexual health.
  • Weight maintenance. The fact overweight raises the risk of type 2 diabetes, which in turn can cause nerve damage, affecting the sexual function.
  • Keep tabs on your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, in fact, can damage blood vessels, including those that make blood flow to the penis.
  • Drinking alcohol and spirits in moderation. Alcohol abuse, in fact, damage the liver, nerves and may affect male hormone balance, triggering erection problems.
  • Sedentary lifestyle was in fact associated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction. Running, swimming and aerobic activities are therefore real preventive treatment for erectile dysfunction. You have to take precautions when you perform physical activities, such as cycling, which exerts too much pressure genital area. Just get up frequently from his saddle, wear padded shorts and ride bikes with no saddle nose that improve comfort in the genital area, preventing numbness. It must be specified, in addition, that the Kegels exercises are useful against incontinence but are not as effective against erectile dysfunction.
  • Keep tabs on testosterone levels. Usually, after just 40 years, the levels of testosterone suffer a 1.3% decline and then collapse sharply after 50 years. Monitor symptoms such as mood swings, weakness, inability to make decisions is useful to promptly identify a testosterone deficiency. Talk to your doctor who will suggest the most effective solution.
  • Avoid using anabolic steroids that are used to increase muscle mass but weigh heavily on the health of the testes and the production of testosterone.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking damages blood vessels and reduces blood supply to the penis. Nicotine leads to a contraction of blood vessels.
  • Avoid sudden movements during sexual intercourse. If the penis penetrates the vagina when it is not well lubricated or is crushed by the weight of the woman, the pain can result in loss of erection.
  • Keep stress under control. High levels of stress, in fact, are responsible for overproduction of adrenaline, a hormone that shrinks the blood vessels, decreasing blood flow to the penis. Any activity that dissolves the psychological and physical tension will also be of great help to improve sexual function and prevention of erectile dysfunction.

Amoxicillin (Amoxil)

Avoiding risky situations that make you susceptible to bacteria will help preventing many nasty conditions from happening.

This is how you should roll:

  • Move around. By keeping you moving you strengthen the body’s resistance and keep cold at bay. A survey involved a group of women exercising 45 minutes a day most days of the week. The subject suffered half as frequent colds. You may as well exercise outdoors when the cold air strengthens the mucous membranes. Very hard practice, however, weakens the immune system for a few days.
  • Wash hands and hold your breath. Cold bacteria enter the blood stream mainly from hands when they come in contact with the nose and eyes. Wash them therefore often. Hold your breath if someone sneezes you straight in the face.
  • Keep your feet warm. When the volunteers sat with their feet in a tub of cold water, they got three times as frequent colds that test subjects with warm feet. So do not forget the socks.
  • Eat healthy and varied diet. Vegetables and fruits provide you the entire range of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds that optimize the immune system. Eat spices such as ginger and garlic and drink plenty of tea – preferably green because it is full of antioxidants.
  • Fill up on vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for boosting the immune system. We lack especially of vitamin D in the winter when the sun is not shining enough on the skin which itself can form the vitamin. So eat a daily vitamin D tablet. High doses of vitamin C do not prevent cold.
  • Minimize stress. When two people inhale the same amount of cold viruses, those who are under the most of stress are in the greatest danger of getting sick. Stress lowers the resistance, so the virus are easier given free rein.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking doubles the risk of catching a cold. Partly because smoking weakens the immune system, and damages the mucous membranes of the smoke so that the virus easily take root. Additionally, you become generally weaker and less able to resist pneumonia.

Prozac (Fluoxetine)

Increasingly, research suggests that mental illness can be relieved by physical activity. You can prevent depression, anxiety, stress and anxiety naturally.

It lists the type of exercise that helps best.

  • Our body and mind are interrelated. If we neglect the one, the other will be affected as well. If we look after both aspects of our health, we will feel better. In severe mental illness you may need to take medicine or therapy, but before the condition becomes so critical there is a lot you can do yourself to prevent a downward spiral. And it does not need to be particularly advanced: more and more research suggests that moderate exercise goes a long way, as we learn to breathe and feel connected to our body.
  • Positive thinking has become a popular remedy for many diseases. Mindfulness experts and self-help books have made us rely on our mental power that fuels. And sure, goals and beliefs go a long way, but it is hardly the solution to everything. To feel good, both physically and mentally, rather a combination of mental and physical activity is required.
  • Walking is such a winner, not only to keep the weight and joints in check. And weight training is utter medicine for considerably more than the muscles. Learn what kind of movement is effective for a particular condition. Here we list four simple ways to a stronger psyche.
  • Strength train to get rid of anxiety. Anxiety can manifest itself in several ways: as nervousness, restlessness or fear, for example. And in severe cases it will lead to insomnia, aches, shortness of breath and other physical complaints. In recent years, weight training has proved effective when it comes to preventing and relieving anxiety, better than cardio training. Moderate intensity is what is recommended.
  • Join a yoga class to reduce stress. Yoga is a broad concept: there are lots of different schools. But common to many forms is that they make the body more flexible and the mind calmer. Studies have shown that yoga relieves stress and allows experienced practitioners breastfed generally. Against this background it is recommended to do yoga sometimes for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Take deep breaths to find focus. The busy society has made us good at multitasking, to perform many tasks in parallel. Alas, it happens at the expense of quality and that we are not really “there” mentally. If you want to sharpen performance, it may be smart to stop and breathe for a few seconds to regain concentration and focus. A couple of deep breaths should remedy anxiety and / or restlessness.

Lipitor (Atorvastatin Calcium)

High cholesterol is a condition that builds up during a long period of time.


Here are a few basic tips on how to minimize the risks.

  • Keep track of your blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for stroke. If you suffer from high blood pressure, it can multiply the risk by 4, because it forces the heart and arteries to work much more to carry blood to the brain, all cells.
  • Work out regularly. Physical activity is one of the main habits for good cardiovascular health. It strengthens your heart and keeps arteries clean so that they are not blocked.
  • A daily walk for an hour is enough to get a better cardiovascular system.
  • Stop smoking. It is one of the main risks, especially if you start at a young age.
  • Keep track of your cholesterol levels. Cholesterol and cigarettes are among the leading causes of plaque in the arteries; it increases the risk of their blocking and putting the brain at risk.
  • Lose weight. To suffer from overweight or obesity increases the risk of heart problems. If you are overweight, it is recommended that you lose at least 4-5 kg.
  • Avoid stress. Suffering from chronic physical and mental stress can increase the risk of cerebrovascular diseases by up to 4 times.
  • Avoid anger or strong feelings. Anger and other strong emotions can increase the risk of stroke, because it leads to changes in the nervous system. Having a calm and positive state of mind is the best way to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Control diabetes. Circulation system linked to type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular problems like hypertension.
  • Start taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements. By consuming omega-3 fatty acids you reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. These healthy fats can prevent arteries blocked by plaque and promotes good blood flow. It also prevents bad cholesterol and control triglycerides.

Nexium (Esomeprazole Magnesium)

There are some things you can do to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers, especially if you have had previous gastric ulcer.

1. Do not use certain drugs. Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, known as NSAIDs, or drugs to treat pain and fever that contain aspirin. This is especially true if you have or have had stomach ulcers caused by your use of these drugs. You can use drugs that contain acetaminophen if you have pain or fever. NSAIDs are available in both prescription and prescription drugs.

Examples of NSAIDs are medicines containing the following active substance:

  • diclofenac available in Diclofenac and Voltaren
  • ibuprofen found in Ibumetin and Ipren
  • ketoprofen found in Orudis
  • nabumetone available in Relifex
  • naproxen present in the naproxen and Pronaxen
  • celecoxib is available in Celebration.
  • aspirin is used to treat pain and fever, and include the aspirin and the Treo. Aspirin is also at a low dose of the anticoagulant drug Trombyl.

2. Ask the staff at the pharmacy if you need painkillers, and are unsure of what you can use. Also, avoid using drugs with aspirin and various types of NSAIDs at the same time, it increases the risk of stomach ulcers even more.

3. Tell your doctor that you have or have had stomach ulcers, and if you need to use NSAIDs or Trombyl over a longer period of time. You can then receive medicines to prevent ulcers.

4. Do not smoke. It is good to stop or to reduce smoking. Smoking increases the risk of stomach ulcers. In addition, prolonged healing time is required if you smoke.

Actos (Pioglitazone)

High blood sugar that calls for the use of drugs like Lipitor can be prevented before the onset of diabetes.

  • Measure your blood sugar levels. A common precursor to type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, a state when the blood glucose is higher than normal. Unlike type 2 diabetes, prediabetes can be cured completely. Some who have had prediabetes have managed to restore blood sugar to a normal level. Prediabetes may not produce any obvious symptoms, so many people do not realize it. Reports show that over 300 million people worldwide have prediabetes, and 90 percent of them are not aware of it.
  • Choose nutritious food. Here are some suggestions that are good to follow as often as you can: eat smaller portions. Drink water, coffee or tea instead of juice and soda. Avoid refined foods. Cut down on bread, rice and pasta and choose whole grain options. Eat lean meats, fish, nuts and beans.
  • Regular training. With exercise can lower blood sugar and keep weight. One recommendation is to swap out some time in the TV couch to a little time on the jogging track.

My Canadian Pharmacy Rx experts hope that the aforementioned tips will save you a lot of health, time and money, allowing you to live a life free from avoidable ailments.