Viagra Extreme Unique Properties and Erectile Dysfunction Effects

Being present on the market for several decades already, Viagra is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction and prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Millions of males around the world have estimated the benefits of Viagra, and this medication continues gaining popularity. Surprisingly, this drug has many other effects, positive and negative. How it can influence male health, and what is higher: risks or benefits.

Viagra Extreme Unique Properties and Erectile Dysfunction Effects

Who is recommended Viagra?

Viagra is prescribed for men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED), e.g. cannot reach or maintain normal erection during sexual intercourse. It is also used to ease sexual stimulation and help men to control ejaculation. Although this medication is sold without prescription, it is better to consult with a doctor before starting taking it.

How does it treat erectile dysfunction?

Viagra inhibits the enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) and relaxes penile muscles. It allows for blood to flow in, causing erection. The medication also increases blood flow to certain body parts. The effect lasts for about 4-5 hours, and men are advised to take it 30-60 minutes prior to sexual interaction (the studies show that even 25 minutes is enough to reach penile rigidity).

Therefore, a man taking Viagra can achieve:

  • easier achievement of erection (penis gets more sensitive);
  • prolonged erection (for several hours);
  • better control over erection and ejaculation.

This drug is used by men who for some reasons cannot maintain erection long enough to have a satisfying sexual act.

Note that Viagra is not recommended for permanent use: it should be taken only prior to sexual intercourse.

Why else using Viagra?

Surprisingly, Viagra can be used not only to deal with erectile dysfunction, but also to help with different medical conditions. Initially, slidenafil was invented by British scientists as a remedy against angina. However, it proved to work poorly for treating cardiovascular conditions and eventually started being used to cure erectile dysfunction.

You can use Viagra for the purposes other than treatment of sexual dysfunction.

  1. Faster fat burning. The recent research suggests using Viagra to get rid of white fat, especially when it’s conditioned by obesity, diabetes and different inflammations. Note that brown fat can be harder to burn using Viagra. However, this effect has been found in mice, and there the studies proving that Viagra helps burning fat in humans are not sufficient.
  2. Reduction of hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is mostly typical of women, and takes place when the pressure in lung blood vessels rises. Sometimes such condition can complicate even simple activities like changing clothes. The studies organized in 2004 have proved that taking Viagra helps to boost ability to exercise. Therefore, it can be beneficial for women, too.
  3. Dealing with Raynaud’s Phenomenon that causes spasms of small arteries in fingers and toes. These body parts can lack blood and turn pale and painful. People with this syndrome have noticed that taking Viagra has proved to be helpful.
  4. Treatment of altitude sickness. Viagra also reduces pulmonary artery pressure when the person is exercising and hiking at mountains, and boosts the ability to work out in low oxygen conditions.
  5. Prevention of prostate cancer. Viagra is recommended to be taken in combination with doxorubicin (a cancer medication) to fight cancer. Viagra helps to reduce the risk of heart failure – a common side effect of doxorubicin.
  6. One more interesting sphere of application is agricultural use! 1 mg of Viagra added into the water for flowers can prolong their natural lifespan, and it also slows down plant ripening.

Other Viagra effects


While having positive effects on some body parts, Viagra can negatively influence other systems of organism. It may cause temporary complications, which is why the medication should be taken carefully.

Ocular disorders

Many customers report having ocular side effects:

  • abnormal vision;
  • distortion of colors;
  • blurring;
  • irritation of eyes;
  • photophobia.

Less commonly, there can be eye pain, vision disorders, conjunctivitis, myopia and halo vision. Some men report losing vision temporarily right after taking Viagra. Such cases were reported in men older than 50 and having high blood pressure, eye problems, high cholesterol or smokers. If you experience such a side effect, you should stop taking the medication and search for some safer alternatives.

Problems with nervous system

In 10% of cases and even more often, men say they experience headaches after taking Viagra. It can also be accompanied with migraine, dizziness, tremor and burning sensations.

Cardiovascular effects

Cardiovascular system is also often affected by Viagra. Males report having flushing, and less common side effects include palpitations, increased heart rate, tachycardia, and hypertension. Sudden cardiac death and ventricular arrhythmia have also been reported, but these are rare. Therefore, men with problems of heart should use Viagra very cautiously.

Gastrointestinal problems

Dyspepsia and diarrhea are very common among Viagra users. Sometimes they can also suffer from nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, GERD, gastritis, hemorrhoids and abdominal distension. If you don’t want to disturb your stomach and intestine, do not take Viagra more frequently than needed.

Tips for users

To get maximum out of this medication, you should follow label prescriptions and consult with a doctor. Inform your doctor, if you have some serious and chronic diseases and check whether you have side effects after taking a pill for the first few times.

Note that Viagra works only with sexual stimulation! Sexual arousal is not likely to happen out of nothing, so you don’t have to worry about sudden erection. If you have erection that lasts for more than 4 hours and is painful, you should visit a doctor.

Today, Viagra is the most commonly used medication for treatment of erectile dysfunction. But when it comes to your health, there can’t be one-fits-all approach: consult with your doctor to make sure that such drug can be useful for you, and benefits outweigh risks.

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